A couple of open days in February for local residents to collect wood from the oak tree which fell in November's storm were followed by another in March and generated new enthusiasm and interest in the Trust's objectives, as well as additional donations towards our loan repayments. Since then individual requests have resulted in most of the site being cleared of timber but we still have some logs available for those who want to store them for the coming seasons - call 01823 423196/284082 to arrange collection. It is now hoped that the remaining trunk can be moved to the edge of the field and a seat carved into it.
Over a couple of Saturday mornings in March, Trull Scouts donated and planted some 125 mixed rowan, wild cherry, ash, blackthorn, oak and hawthorn 'whips' along the north east boundary of the Meadow, filling in the gaps along the metal fence to create our Jubilee Hedge as a wildlife corridor from Sherford Stream to other established hedgerows.
In April we held our first Trull Meadow Working Party session, clearing some of the brambles and undergrowth along the Sherford Stream boundary back to the wire fence to allow for those walking the meadow to get an improved view of the stream. There was no need to burn any of the debris as it was used to create a wildlife habitat and corridor between the fence and the stream. Eight enthusiasts, including three generations of one family, managed to clear most of the length of the boundary. A second Working Party is planned for May to complete this task and to complete the clearance of timber from the fallen oak - all volunteers welcomed!
On Saturday 4 June the Friends of Trull Meadow will have a stall at the Trull Jubilee Party in the Park, where oak leaf broaches carved from the fallen oak tree will be available, as well as a selection of meadow related plants. We look forward to seeing you there.
In conclusion, a reminder that the Meadow Trustees still need to raise donations to cover the repayment of loans generously made to enable the purchase of the Meadow last year. Please help us if you can by using the button below.